High Court of the Forest at Great Northeastern War

A High Court of the Forest in the Province of Malagentia will be a circuit court where the Honorable Warden of the East (Llwyd Forester) will be travelling to attend the Great Northeastern War and to continue Forester business leading to the creation of the Royal Forest of Endewearde.
All elegable applicants wishing to take upon themselves the foresters oath will be welcome to do so followed by the first promotion of a US member to Forester and to the official officer of Keeper.

Any and all that wish to bring business before the Warden of the East or the Keeper of Endewearde forest should be prepared to do so.
All are welcome to attend, and the meeting will last between 30 minutes to an hour. After business any matters of Forest justice will be adjudicated by the warden. All foresters are asked to inform the court of any arrests or attachments they have made as well as the particulars of their case against any outlaws, poachers, or rober knights.

Date: Friday, July 8

Timing: 1930 hrs, local time

Location: to be determined

The Royal Foresters will hold a brief meeting to accept new members whom are present and begin their probationary periods, approve existing applicants and end their probationary status, and promote worthy members to their apprenticeship rank.

The meeting will be held outside at the event site, regardless of weather outside. Persons attending are encouraged to bring a snack of Martinmas beef and some bread and cheese if it pleases them.

All are welcome but this Swainmote Court is standing only while the Warden of the Forest conducts outstanding business left incomplete on St. Eustace day.

Event website: http://www.ruantallan.eastkingdom.org/events/medieval-mythbusters-and-mad-science-faire-ruantallan-baronial-investiture-anniversary-and-rattan-championship/