The Royal Charter
The Horn of the Forest
Sword of the Forest
Personal Badges

The Royal Charter

The Royal Charter was presented to the members of the Foresters on 19 September A.S. 50 (2015)

The EK Foresters Guild Charter

It reads;

Be it known in the Kingdom of the East, and throughout the Known World,
Whereas the Brothers and Sisters of the Green, having organized into a Guild of Forestry, and by maintaining lawful Forest Courts throughout the land, with the intent, and purpose of protecting the Greenwood, and Royal Forests of their Majesties in the East against all threats, be they flood, fire, or foes; That we, king and queen of the East Kingdom, Omega and Etheldreda Rex et Regina Orientalis, do herby grant them Royal Charter to keep and do the same.
These Underforesters, Foresters, Master Foresters, and Grandmaster Foresters, most serious, and solemn, shall take upon them an oath; to help, aid, and assist their fellows, to protect the Green Wood, and uphold the Forest Law of the Kingdom of the East, and to abide by the laws, rules, and regulations of their Majesties, the King and Queen of the East, and their successors, their Highnesses the Prince and Princess of the East, together with those of the landed Barons and Baronesses, and all lawful representatives of the Kingdom of the East.
These Foresters shall practice, and promote the skills, and crafts of the Green Wood, and shall make themselves proficient, and in time masters of the woodland arts and sciences, and they shall always use these skills to make encampments safe, and secure for all, and when fire is called upon for light, and heat, that there may be fellowship, and merry making, these Foresters shall attend, and secure the flame, and shall gather the wood for its proper use, and will see the flame safely extinguished upon the conclusion of these festivities.
These Foresters shall make ready, and be practiced in their craft, and preparedness, for any and all forms of adversity, inclemency, or vicissitude that may befall them, and shall come to the aid of others whom may need guidance, hospitality, or shelter within the Green Wood.
To these solemn obligations do we Omega and Etheldreda Rex et Regina Orientalis Charge the Foresters to keep, and uphold here in the Kingdom of the East and wheresoever they may travel. Signed this day September 19, A.S. 50

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The Horn of the Warden

The Horn of the Warden

The hunting horn is the symbol of authority for foresters. The Warden has as their badge of office a hunting horn on a baldric. The horn is sounded by the Warden to summon all foresters to a meeting, in times of distress, or to warn of danger. Only ranked Foresters may display a hunting horn as a symbol of their authority within the guild, but all members are encouraged to make and own hunting horns. As a mark of respect all members except the Warden remove their horns at Royal Court and at official meetings.

The Sword of the Forest

The sword of the forest, displayed on a fur hide

The Sword of the Forest is carried by an appointed member who is tasked to maintain order in the court and at guild meetings. It is also carried for court occasions. All members who wish to become sworn members with take the Forester’s Oath with one hand upon the sword.

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Personal Badges

Members ranked Forester are presented with a pewter forester horn badge that they display on the cowl of their hood. Lower ranked members may display fabric affiliation badges, but only experienced Foresters wear the horn badge.

Master Foresters are given an evergreen wreath to suspend their horn badge from. This too is worn on the cowl of the hood. The evergreen wreath is symbolic of long life and the cycles of nature we observe.

Members of the Order of St. Eustace (The Regarders) are presented a crown badge which is also worn on the cowl of the hood. The crown denotes our position as servants of the King and Queen of the East and is worn above the horn and wreath if those are also worn.

Members of the Order of St. Hubert (The Rangers) wear a badge with several arrows bundled by a belt or garter. This may be worn anywhere but when worn on the cowl of the hood it is always above the horn and wreath if those are also worn.

Members of the Order of St. John Gaulbert (The Woodwards) earn a fede ring badge which is also worn on the cowl of the hood. The badge indicates excellence in A&S and service and is worn above the horn and wreath if those are also worn.

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